Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 7

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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 6

Post by Seven »

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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 6

Post by jimbobmacdoodle »

For what it's worth, moody is being truthful, as far as I can tell. I tracked him last night to LaserGuy.

For the full list, it's:
N1: tracked Bessie, no visits
N2: watched LaserGuy, no visitors
N3: dead
N4: watched LaserGuy, no visitors
N5: tracked moody to LaserGuy

@Seven, our win is by eliminating moody, and hoping Zeniba fails to recruit again. Zeniba's win is the same, except hoping she successfully recruits.

Any questions?
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 6

Post by jimbobmacdoodle »

Oh, fun fact, if we eliminate moody, one of Seven or I is guaranteed to win, since one of us must be recruited in order for Cult to win. Unless Cult can't fail, in which case mods might call it after we eliminate moody.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 6

Post by Seven »

Vote: Moody
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 6

Post by jimbobmacdoodle »

@Zeniba, if you don't vote moody, you'll lose, because tonight moody will kill you.

Will place my vote in a few minutes. Just looking at something re how cult might be restricted on recruits.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 6

Post by jimbobmacdoodle »

I've skimmed through the thread in an attempt to identify how Zeniba's cult recruit might be restricted. I believe it is restricted in some way - I have this memory that it was stated as such at some point, but can't be certain. If it isn't, there's nothing we can do about it.

I've ruled out it as being "anyone who ever voted for the CL", since I voted for Zeniba on D1, and would have been the only eligible recruit (unless bessie's cryonicist somehow caused it to fail). I also ruled out "only if not being voted for", since they weren't voted for D3, if I'm not mistaken (Seven, feel free to double check), although I'm this case, they could have just tried to recruit bessie.

Basically, I have no idea what the restriction is. To be on the safe side:

Vote Zeniba
Vote moody
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 6

Post by moody7277 »

Firstly, I can't believe that you are letting cult win. I thought we had a traditional deep seated hatred for cult. It also seems that whatever would happen in a 1-1 situation between me and remaining town would be better for the other dead town than cult win. You guys are still town as of right now.

I figured we were playing under the assumption that mafia are unrecruitable, AS probably was the same, but everyone else is fair game.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 6

Post by jimbobmacdoodle »

There's no guarantee that all town are recruitable. Best case, at least one of Seven or I aren't, and we can still win.

We could gamble on your kill failing, but haven't he track record so far...

Also, I personally prefer Cult to Mafia :P
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 6

Post by jimbobmacdoodle »

Oh, and I've been trying to get you eliminated since D2. I'm not stopping now!
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 6

Post by moody7277 »

Well, I knew Seven had it in for me for a while. That was the only down side of NKing Laser, he was the only one of you still town reading me for whatever reason. Not that it really would have mattered at this point.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 6

Post by Seven »

moody7277 wrote: Fri Oct 29, 2021 12:15 pm Firstly, I can't believe that you are letting cult win. I thought we had a traditional deep seated hatred for cult. It also seems that whatever would happen in a 1-1 situation between me and remaining town would be better for the other dead town than cult win. You guys are still town as of right now.

I figured we were playing under the assumption that mafia are unrecruitable, AS probably was the same, but everyone else is fair game.
Mafia always wins if they can no longer be eliminated, so 1-1 is mafia win. We have no choice to vote you here. Your only bet, as Jim described going into the night, was to kill Zeniba. Perhaps one last hail Mary push for Wam/Seven, arguing that I'm not really a Phoenix and Wam resurrected me instead?

btw since Zeniba hasn't been online, would you be willing to self-hammer @Moody so we don't have to run out the clock?
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 6

Post by jimbobmacdoodle »

I've got a better plan: wait until Zeniba gets modkilled for inactivity leading to a Town win? Or maybe moody self hammers and we hope Zeniba doesn't come online to recruit someone.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 6

Post by moody7277 »

Sorry to burst your bubble, but since self-hammer isn't in my best interest, it isn't going to happen. Zeniba can get herself online and make it happen to earn her win.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 6

Post by Zeniba »

I have thoughts for a certain someone but I'll save it for post-game.

This gamestate feels ridiculous in a number of ways.

Vote: Moody
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 6

Post by Sabrar »

I am sure that everyone is aware of the fact, still we'll do the official announcement. That was hammer, moody has been eliminated. Please submit any night-actions you wish to take.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 5

Post by madge »


That's hammer.

Final votals:

Zeniba (1) - Moody
Moody (3) - Seven, jimbob, Zeniba

Moody has been eliminated. Role reveal will happen in the morning.

It is now Night.

Day 7 will start in about 24 hours, but as always may end early if all actions are received and all chatting is done.


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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 6

Post by madge »

Halloween week in Phoenix had been full of hustle and bustle in a way it had never been since before the pandemic. People thought that this boded well for the return of another pre-pandemic staple, the Madge and Sabrar joint Halloween party.

However, things started unravelling rather quickly.


Once Sabrar announced the cancellation of his party, a few more things came to light:

The annoying guy who never went to parties and always tried to get people to sign up for cryonics had started going around town talking about uploading your DNA to an alien spaceship orbiting Jupiter, which was a new type of annoying that people in town weren’t used to;

It had become clear that the entitled teenager’s mother had finally had enough and left for Hawaii following a rather large bribe to follow her dream of studying dolphins, and now the teen was whining for help every time something was needed, which was a lot;

It turned out that the corrupt politician had actually been possessed by an ancient eastern european fertility god, which honestly explained a lot and became somewhat of a relief as it opened a dialogue for negotiation;

The town’s ‘wine mom’ had run off and eloped and turned into an actual vampire(?!?!), and was now eagerly back wanting to take her new spouse (also a vampire) to the Halloween party;

Oh, one of the townsfolk who only ever seemed to stand in corners at parties and never went to places at night was someone named Edward who had moved with his wife Bella from somewhere named Forks in Washington a few years earlier. They were a nice couple, but it came as no surprise that they too were vampires;

The conceptual artist with a billionaire mother had finally had some perspective in life after being kicked out of a facebook group and was producing better art than ever, as well as becoming a little bit more bearable as a person;

The LGBT community center organiser, although they couldn’t focus too much on the business of rekindling Madge and Sabrar’s romance, had done wonderful things for the community, raising awareness of issues during asexual awareness week and providing food to the needy;

The lovely quintle(? There are five of them, but they are lovely!) who run the organic food co-op were in the process of giving it a big makeover, while providing jobs to locals and selling local products. They all seemed happier, once the stress of making ends meet was eliminated from their life;

And so, people went to the pre-Halloween ball hearts all a-flutter, for change was in the air, and a non-zero amount of romance.

The archaeology buff was full of stories about the wonders that were on their doorstep, and people made plans to spend less time on Facebook and more time in nature.

Someone arrived late, but with a fresh perm and a jumpsuit to die for. Pulling it off! They quickly made their vote just as the nominations for belle and beau of the ball closed.

The announcer’s voice came above the music, and announced it:

“And now, the beau and belle of the ball… Sabrar and Madge!”

There were claps and cheers and hoots and hollers from the crowd. Madge and Sabrar dutifully climbed to the stage, accepted their spooky crowns (with bats on them!) and did a little bow.

All of a sudden, two people got to the stage: both of them young men—one didn’t look like he could possibly be 21 and so had probably snuck into the party, and the other barely looked like he made the cut-off.

The slightly older youth grabbed the microphone and started beatboxing into it. Together, they did a beautifully choreographed dance number.

“Hey everyone!” the older one called. Wow, what a charismatic stranger! Something about him drew everyone towards him. There was something about being 21 and attractive.

“You probably don’t know about us!” Agreed the younger one: it was definitely the entitled teen whose mother had run off. There were murmurs in the crowd.

Madge and Sabrar exchanged a concerned glance.

“But we’re big on TikTok! You’re all mostly on Facebook—”

“BOOMERS!” cried the teen.

“But we’re the PIZZAZZ POSSE. Our dance videos get millions of views!”


“And we’d like to use our power as influencers to officially declare Madge’s party the official one!”

Madge tried to chime in. “Well, uh, Sabrar unfortunately had to cancel his because—”


She sighed. “Don’t we all.”

Sabrar gave her a small smile. “I always liked that about you. Your love of pizzazz!”

“PIZZAZZ!” cried the teen.

“Well, I was always going to do my party? I don’t know what you’re on about?”


Madge looked taken aback. “Uh, no. Sabrar can run a party next year. We can take turns.”

Sabrar nodded. “Yeah, we don’t need to be rivals. We can be friends.”

Madge smiled. “You always knew how to defuse a bad situation.”


Sabrar smiled. “And you were always kind.”


Madge looked at the crowd, who now were seeming way too invested in their conversation. “Uh, what’s up?”

Sabrar looked at her. “Do you get the impression that people have seem oddly invested in our divorce?” He whispered, but the microphone picked it up.

She nodded. “Yeah, you remember how I was telling you about that guy who bought out ads and targeted his family members with carefully tailored messages to try to get them to abandon their religious beliefs?”

Sabrar smiled. “Yeah. I love how passionate you are about those things.”

“I think someone tried it on me, to try to get us back together.”

“I did see a bunch of ads for a blog about healing after divorce, which all seemed to involve getting back with your spouse… oh, and I got anonymous flowers. Freesias.”

“But you’re allergic to those!”

“I thought you were trying to have a go at me… I didn’t think…”

“AND THE BURLESQUE SHOW!” they both shouted in unison.

The young men were still attempting to run interference, and when that didn’t work, they had started filming each other dancing.

Sabrar seized the microphone, and addressed the crowd. “Guys. It’s highly innapropriate for you to try and meddle in our love life. We got divorced for a reason. And for WHAT?”

A sheepish voice from the crowd croaked out a few words: “For the Halloween party.”

Madge spoke next, exasperated. “For the Halloween party. You’d rather one of the parties that me and Sabrar ran together, WITH ONLY THE TINIEST HINT OF PIZZAZZ, over the PIZZAZZ FILLED SPECTACLE I WILL PRESENT YOU ALL WITH TOMORROW?”

The two dancing men cheered. The crowd looked confused.

Madge sighed. “Look, I’ll see you tomorrow at the party.” She looked at her ex-husband. “Sabrar, did you want to go to Bosa? Grab a donut and a coffee? Catch up? Try to work out where we stand?”

Sabrar nodded. “Yeah, I’d like that.”

She reached out and took his hand.

“BOSA DONUTS ARE OVERRATED!” cried a voice from the crowd.

And Sabrar and Madge walked off the stage, together.


Moody was eliminated by the group vote. He was Jarylo, mafia Rolecop.

The cult has won! Congratulations to:

Zeniba, Captain Jack Harkness, Cult Leader
Jimbob, Phil Connors, Cult Odd Night Tracker / Even Night Watcher

Better luck next time to

Seven, Phoenix, town Phoenix


As for the facebook group, after a lot of straightening things out with the admins, everyone who was banned got unbanned, and things had finally gotten back to normal.


…. unfortunately.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 6

Post by madge »

Every character got a story arc through their night action flavour, and I tried to summarise them in my race against time game end flavour (off to a nail appointment like NOW), so if you want to read through them they are here:

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pSu ... sp=sharing

Also has all the role PMs.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 7

Post by Seven »

Dratz, I thought the burlesque show would do it for sure. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I PAID FOR THOSE
Seven (she, him, their)
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 7

Post by LaserGuy »

Good game all! I'll have some thoughts and shout outs later.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 7

Post by Seven »

Wait so Snider just made up all of those results? lol
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 7

Post by Seven »

Also we weren't able to win once we eliminated Zeniba D4 right? (Other than if Mafia night killed her after she revived?)
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 7

Post by madge »

Seven wrote: Sat Oct 30, 2021 1:51 am Wait so Snider just made up all of those results? lol
No, has an investigation power for if people are recruitable or not. See role PM's in Google doc for more information

The phoenix role was unrecuitable but this was not told to the player, but is why he thought you were scum
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 7

Post by madge »

Seven wrote: Sat Oct 30, 2021 1:53 am Also we weren't able to win once we eliminated Zeniba D4 right? (Other than if Mafia night killed her after she revived?)
No, if zeniba had decided to target you overnight despite knowing that you were unrecuitable, the action would have failed and day 7 would be 2v1 and a probable town win
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 7

Post by Zeniba »

This was a game. I didn't remember how the snide sniper had split up their investigate results. I never really caught up outside of a little bit of ISO skims of a couple players. I also was thinking that Seven was mafia. (Unrecruitable + scummy play).

  • Seven's coded message towards whoever they thought I am was disgusting.
  • The host outing me with their waypoints did not feel fun.
  • There was this bit of free information:


    I would prefer to have won the game due to behavior and mechanics, not from the host giving me free information.
  • About 13 hours after Day Start (shared with me through a friend) - The host publicly called me out as a prod after much fewer than 24 hours had passed.

  • About 16 hours after Day Start - jimbobmacdoodle made a gross post discussing modkills:

  • I like my role PM flavor. Captain Jack Harkness is a hottie.
  • The roles interacted in an interesting way. It was fun to try to solve who could be recruited. I also like resurrections in mafia.
  • People played politely. It might be fun to come back for another game.
  • The speed yeet on me was surprising but all in good fun.
  • The forum is nice. I miss regularly reading xkcd and chatting with friends about it. I moved away from my main friend with whom I used to do that and we haven't reconnected much.
Overall, I liked the community and might play here again when I have time! Just maybe not a bastard game next time.