Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 7

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Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap - Day 7

Post by madge »

Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap


Phoenix, Arizona

Phoenix has been in a unique situation these past few years: with the three years of pandemic finally, mercifully over, the residents have been working hard and uncharacteristically cooperatively to have Phoenix become almost a brand-new town.

And what better way to do that than to bring back their yearly halloween tradition, called off for reasons so far beyond their control, so unanticipatable?

And so, the people of Phoenix donned costumes - some traditional, and some far more… conceptual - for pretty much the whole of October, with their colourful garb bringing joy to the tourists who flocked in and spent their hard-earned money on all manner of tacky knick-knacks.

The highlight was to be their famous Halloween party, held for the first time in many years. It had been started by a beloved resident some ten years earlier, who delighted the town with his ghost stories. However, when he moved unexpectedly to Egypt one year, a husband and wife team decided to take on the mantle lest the beloved tradition be lost.

However, the pandemic had not been kind to the duo: they had a bitter divorce. And this year, instead of working together on a party that was sure to be the talk of the town for the remainder of the year, they had each decided to organise their own party.

“My party will be the best,” exclaimed Sabrar. “Everyone will get exactly the right amount of food! And I will make sure that everyone gets to do their favourite halloween activities!”

“No! Mine is where it’ll be at!” cried out Madge. “Sure, I won’t give everyone a neat plate of food, but there’s going to be all sorts of FUN GAMES, some of which you will enjoy!! Probably?! You guys might go hungry, but at least you’ll have a great time! Also, did you hear about this UNRELATED TANGENT about my personal life????????”

The residents of Phoenix were split:

the more haughty, well-to-do people in town were excited to eat a carefully curated meal in the company of like-minded people, because the past parties had sometimes left them over-full or hungry;

a small but vocal contingent was excited for some more pizzazz, because the past parties had been too restrained;

but the overwhelming consensus was that Sabrar and Madge should put aside their differences, work together, be professional, and provide a first post-pandemic party that is positively, pleasingly perfect.

But for that to happen, a parent trap of epic proportions would need to occur.

And so, the majority set about trying to get Sabrar and Madge to set aside their differences, using the most important pillar of community participation: their local facebook group.

But the minorities were not above sabotage to get their way: the well-to-do had quickly realised that it takes only a modest bribe to have someone call off their vendetta, and set about applying them; and the pizzazz lovers created a private facebook group that they invited a select few people into.

Both were trying to bring down the parent-trappers from the inside...

Player List:

1. heuristically_alone Seven
2. moody7277
5. jimbob alive, but died previously
11. the snide sniper Zeniba alive, but died previously

3. bessie permanently dead: Cryonicist, independent Antisocial Survivor
4. laserguy permanently dead: The Fab Five, town Double Voting One-Shot Resurrector
6. BoomFrog permanently dead: Ellen Ripley, town Jack of All Trades
7. wam permanently dead: Futurama, mafia Resurrector
8. somitomi permanently dead: Edward Cullen, Town Resurrector
9. patzer permanently dead: Dr Daniel Jackson, town Mafia Cop
10. suzaku permanently dead: Zombie, town Cult Cop
Last edited by madge on Sat Oct 30, 2021 12:55 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by madge »

Mods: Madge, Sabrar
Size: 11
Speed: Day Phase lasts 5 days, with weekends counting as halftime. Night Phase 48 hours. Nights will end early if chatters are finished and all actions are received.
Bastardry: Yes. Some roles may have hidden mechanics but the mods will not lie.

Standard Rules:
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Posting rules:
1. No posting in the game thread unless you are playing in it.
2. No talking about this game except in the game thread or in an appropriately titled spoiler in the discussion thread [SOMEONE PLEASE MAKE A DISCUSSION THREAD PLS]
3. No player may read discussion spoilers about this game until they are dead [AND IT IS CONFIRMED AS PERMANENT BY MOD IN PMS].
4. No editing your posts. For any reason. At any time.
5. Do not lurk! One post per real-life day is the recommended minimum. Consideration will be given for weekends.
6. Players lurking excessively will be replaced or, if replacement is not possible, modkilled. See above.
7. Any player who is modkilled for rule violations (not lurking) will automatically lose.
8. You may post in thread during the day phase but not the night phase. It is night once a mod posts a day-end post (this will not be before the official deadline, but knowing Madge could be quite a bit after it), or a hammer vote is cast, in which case it is automatically night, whether or not a mod has made a day-end post. Note that this means you may not post content after a hammer vote.
9. You may not play to lose, or act in a way that is clearly against your win condition.
10. You may not use encryption systems in order to communicate privately or circumvent these rules.
11. This is a game; it’s meant to be fun. Personal attacks or other offensive behaviour towards other players will not be tolerated.

1. In general, days will last for 5 days. Nights will last for 2 days, or until all night actions are finished. Weekends will count as half time.
2. Adjustments will be made to accommodate holidays, or for other reasons if the mod deems it necessary.
3. In-thread deadline announcements from the mod override these rules.
4. Requests for extensions will be considered in exceptional circumstances only.
5. Deadlines are 'soft', meaning that posting and voting may continue after the deadline until the mod calls night.
6. Remember there is no talking after a hammer vote is cast.

Voting rules:
1. Votes and questions for the mod must be posted in bold and on a new line, like this:

Vote: Madge

You do NOT have to unvote to change votes, but it makes things easier and will be very much appreciated if you do. You can unvote in bold and on a new line, like this:

Unvote (Madge)
Vote: Sabrar

2. When someone gains a majority of the votes, they are automatically executed and it becomes night, as above. Posting content after the hammer vote is not allowed, even if the hammer vote was accidental.
3. If the deadline is reached and no player has been hammered, then the person with the most votes when the mod calls night will be executed.
4. If the votals are tied, then the person who hit the tied number of votes first will be executed, unless all players are voting solely for the tied players, in which case there will be no execution.
5. You can vote not to execute anyone by casting a vote for "NoLim" or “No Elimination” or "NE" or “No Execution”. “No Execution” will be treated exactly the same as any other player for determining votal results, except that "No Execution" always wins ties.

Death rules:
1. You’re alive until you are hammered, or a mod declares that you're dead, by PM or in thread.
2. Once you die, you may no longer post content in this thread. You may post death flavour or a ‘Bah! You killed me,’ post that reveals no information.

Private Message rules:
1. You must include the mods in any PM you send related to this game.
2. You can ask the mods questions by PM (at any time) if you'd rather not ask in thread.
3. No PMing other players concerning this game unless your role specifically allows it.
4. Any night actions must be sent by PM before the end of the night period. They can also be sent during the day prior if you would like. If sent as part of a factional chat, please indicate the action in bold on a new line, as with voting. If you don’t do this and we miss your action, tough.
5. You can send backup actions but don't make the conditions too complicated.
6. All chat is nightchat.

Ressurrection Rules:
1. You may be resurrected after you die.
2. No player can be resurrected more than once, by any means.
3. Resurrections will all happen at Noon. Noon will happen approximately halfway through a game Day, at the mod's discretion.

NOTE: I stuffed up a certain number of the PMs and didn't give people explicit rolenames. I have decided to keep the error in the interest of fairness and send everyone their rolename in a seperate PM.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by madge »




… among other things.

The Pizzazz Posse Facebook Group has 19 members.

It is now dawn on Day 1. Dusk starts in just under six days.

11 players alive, 6 to eliminate.

There is 1 member currently in the cult.

There is an Antisocial Survivor playing in this game. If they survive to the end, everyone else loses.

Role PMs should be out. Game is on! No need to confirm.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by jimbobmacdoodle »

Yeah, party!

Let's see, an Antisocial Survivor, a Cult, and, at a guess a standard Mafia-like faction (the "haughty" group). This could be a bit tricky to navigate. On the topic of Antisocial Survivor:
If they survive to the end, everyone else loses.
Just trying to wrap my head around this: does this imply that if the game would otherwise end with e.g. a Town victory, the Survivor wins instead? I.e. we ignore the role for game end trigger, but it impacts who wins/loses?

If so, I could see an amusing situation where we have confirmed scum, but need to hold off voting them off due to the Survivor still being around!

Anyway, enough of this messing about:

Vote bessie

As apparently she's the only one who got to comment in the Facebook group, who isn't actually running a party. Obviously suspicious.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by moody7277 »

Vote: boomfrog

If you have a sufficiently entertaining gambit for D1, I will unvote.

Regarding the AS (anti-social survivor), my gut reaction is to treat them like a SK sans kill. I don't know if this is the proper tactics for them (or even if the metaphor makes sense), but it seems like a good starting point.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by LaserGuy »

It feels so weird to be back on this forum.

@The Snide Sniper and @patzer: Welcome! I don't recall playing with either of you before. Could you tell us a bit about your mafia experience?
jimbobmacdoodle wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:25 pm Let's see, an Antisocial Survivor, a Cult, and, at a guess a standard Mafia-like faction (the "haughty" group).
Why did you put these factions in this order?

Madge, could you add a player list to the OP?
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by jimbobmacdoodle »

LaserGuy wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 4:33 pm Why did you put these factions in this order?
No conscious reasoning, it was what just came naturally: I planned on asking the mod question, so the Survivor was first, whilst the Mafia faction was harder to describe than a Cult.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by The Snide Sniper »

LaserGuy wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 4:33 pm@The Snide Sniper and @patzer: Welcome! I don't recall playing with either of you before. Could you tell us a bit about your mafia experience?
I used to play a fair bit of Town of Salem, which is basically a video game version of mafia, but I haven't played forum mafia before.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by somitomi »

Oh boy, how I missed the epic flavor of xkcd games.

Vote: moody
You are definitely not sufficiently hyped for this party.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by boomfrog »

Oh no! I was planning to be productive today.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by boomfrog »

moody7277 wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 4:22 pmVote: boomfrog
If you have a sufficiently entertaining gambit for D1, I will unvote.


This game seems spicy enough as it is. No gambit planned, believe it or not.
@Madge and Sabrar: Flavor is amazing, fake facebook posts are well above and beyond. Thank you for being awesome.
JimBob is town.
LaserGuy is probably town, I like what he was thinking about JimBob.

Vote: Somitomi

Laserguy was equally as blah about the amazing obviously note-worthy flavor and epicness of this triumphant return of the xkcd mafia forum. Why pick on moody who is never hyped for anything?
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by The Snide Sniper »

Wait, why do we think jimbob is town?
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by heuristically_alone »

The Snide Sniper wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 6:09 pm Wait, why do we think jimbob is town?
jimbobmacdoodle wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:25 pm
If they survive to the end, everyone else loses.
Just trying to wrap my head around this: does this imply that if the game would otherwise end with e.g. a Town victory, the Survivor wins instead? I.e. we ignore the role for game end trigger, but it impacts who wins/loses?

If so, I could see an amusing situation where we have confirmed scum, but need to hold off voting them off due to the Survivor still being around!
This question is coming from a town mindset..
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by moody7277 »

@BF: :lol: This is what I missed about mafia games at the xkcd forum. I get your point on the setup providing enough grist without your patented blend. Laserguy's question on jimbob's ordering of threats looks to be from a townie POV to me as well.
boomfrog wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 6:02 pm Why pick on moody who is never hyped for anything?
This is pretty much true IRL. I had to fake a "looking thrilled" picture when I was a conference in Santorini.

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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by Sabrar »

jimbobmacdoodle wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:25 pm Just trying to wrap my head around this: does this imply that if the game would otherwise end with e.g. a Town victory, the Survivor wins instead? I.e. we ignore the role for game end trigger, but it impacts who wins/loses?
That is a correct interpretation.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by heuristically_alone »

Ah yes, I remember when Madge started messing my Facebook group. Really started the hype for the party to come! Hopefully we can get Sabrar and Madge back together

Will the flavor of the two separate parties take form in the setup of the game?

VOTE: Boomfrog

No gambit planned? I'm disappointed.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by heuristically_alone »

@mod Will players voted off the island also be resurrected?
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by LaserGuy »

heuristically_alone wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 6:23 pm
The Snide Sniper wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 6:09 pm Wait, why do we think jimbob is town?
This question is coming from a town mindset..
This response feels very out of place to me and gives me TMI vibes that I'm having a hard time putting into words. Why didn't you wait for BoomFrog to reply to this first?

I'm going to put Town leans on BoomFrog and moody.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by Sabrar »

As a general rule eliminated players are also eligible to be resurrected.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by heuristically_alone »

LaserGuy wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 6:53 pm This response feels very out of place to me and gives me TMI vibes that I'm having a hard time putting into words. Why didn't you wait for BoomFrog to reply to this first?
Do you disagree with my interpretation?
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by Wam »

As someone who struggles with flavour in their games I'm very impressed madge and sabrar.

Let's get the day 1 tradition out the way.

vote sabrar
LaserGuy wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 6:53 pm
heuristically_alone wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 6:23 pm
The Snide Sniper wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 6:09 pm Wait, why do we think jimbob is town?
This question is coming from a town mindset..
This response feels very out of place to me and gives me TMI vibes that I'm having a hard time putting into words. Why didn't you wait for BoomFrog to reply to this first?

I'm going to put Town leans on BoomFrog and moody.
Feels early from laser but I'm not disagreeing.

But given were back on this forum, don't trust the frog....
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by Wam »

Ebwop that's early on the town reads.
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by LaserGuy »

heuristically_alone wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 7:29 pm
LaserGuy wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 6:53 pm This response feels very out of place to me and gives me TMI vibes that I'm having a hard time putting into words. Why didn't you wait for BoomFrog to reply to this first?
Do you disagree with my interpretation?
It's not about whether I agree or disagree with your interpretation and more to do with how and why you answered this question. Why didn't you wait for BoomFrog to reply?
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by heuristically_alone »

I see a question I know the answer to, I answer it. I'm that annoying kid at school that likes to sit on the front row. But now I want to know, do you agree with me?
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Re: Halloween Mafia 2021 - The Party Trap

Post by LaserGuy »

heuristically_alone wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 9:50 pm I see a question I know the answer to, I answer it. I'm that annoying kid at school that likes to sit on the front row. But now I want to know, do you agree with me?
I think the question itself is NAI, and I have jimbob at null. I'm not sure exactly what BoomFrog is basing his analysis off of, but he and I often pick up on different sorts of tells so it doesn't surprise me that he and I see don't have the same read here, especially this early in the game when there is very little to work with.