Baldur's Gate Mafia (Absolute Power)

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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Day 3)

Post by bessie »

vote: somitomi
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Day 3)

Post by LaserGuy »

That was hammer. No more posting.
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Day 3)

Post by LaserGuy »


A blade sings out to your right, stretching for you. You dart backward, nearly stumbling into two others locked in a death grip with each other. You try to circle, keep your distance, try to figure out which is friend and foe.

For the Absolute

The discordant thought causes you to stumble. Your vision goes red. You can almost feel yourself being connected to another. Two others. The tadpoles in your brains seeming to pull toward each other like lodestones.

No! You must fight it!

The strange voice seems weaker, more distant. You move with purpose. You know who your allies are now. You approach the grappling pair, seize one by the throat and drive your knife home.

For the Absolute

As the figure slumps to your feet, you feel a rightness to it. The dark elven woman whom you assisted smiles at you, and you can feel the magnetic pull of her tadpole urging you on.

You must...

You spin toward the final enemy. The three of you advance upon the strange, pale skinned elf. A vampire? How had you not noticed sooner? Your senses are so keen, so sharp, the harmony of the tadpole's energy in your mind drowning you everything else.

For the Absolute

No quarter is given. The last of the strangers falls, and you smile at your two friends, revelling in the power of the Absolute, wondering why you had ever considered resisting its song. You are part of the Absolute. You are the Absolute, all of you. Plans and machinations swirl in your brain as you feel yourself joining into the great hivemind. There are hundreds of you, thousands, all who see the truth. The Absolute is truth. You turn toward the distant towers of Baldur's Gate, excited for what comes next.

Somi was eliminated by group vote. He was Astarion, aligned with Town.
moody was endgamed. He was Karlach, aligned with Town.
Wam was endgamed. He was Wyll, aligned with Town.

Congratulations to bessie and Seven, Jahiera and Minthara, the Cult of the Absolute on their victory.

Good game all! I'll post role PMs and my mods notes later.
Last edited by LaserGuy on Wed Apr 24, 2024 4:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Absolute Power)

Post by LaserGuy »

If anyone is interested, I have a private Discord server here where I was doing some commentary on the game.

Role PMs

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You were once a powerful wizard, a prodigy of the arts of magic. You were in tune with the Weave of magic like no other for a thousand years, and attracted even the attention of the goddess of magic, Mystra. You sought an ancient magic, long forgotten, of the Netherese civilization, thinking it would please her and show your devotion, but the magic was tainted and nearly destroyed her. The deadly magic was forced into your body, and it now takes all of your willpower to hold it at bay, with one false move destroying you and potentially everyone around you.

Your role is Wizard of Waterdeep. Your are aligned with Town.


Netherese Burst: Day Action. If you are eliminated during the day phase, you release an explosion of magical energy that can be directed at a target of your choice. That player is instantly killed. You may select a target in the day phase, or in a twilight period immediately following your death.

You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is alive.

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You are a half-elf cleric of Shar, a goddess of darkness and pain. Your devotion to your goddess is unquestioning, your resolve fierce. Before you were captured, you were searching for an ancient artifact in a mission so secret, Shar removed your memories so you could not betray its purpose. You can think of nothing worse than failing Shar due to this incident with the mind flayers, and will work with anyone as long as it allows you to complete your task.

Your role is Cleric of Shar. Your are aligned with Town.


Speak with Dead: Each night, you may target a dead Town player. For the next Day phase, you will have chat privileges with that player in the Discord. You may not target the same player twice.

You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is alive.

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For two hundred years you have been a thrall to Cazador, a powerful vampire lord. Unable to walk in the light, forced to his bidding, you have slinked through the shadows of Baldur’s Gate, desperately searching for an escape. After the mind flayers captured you, you suddenly found yourself feeling more clearheaded than you have in years. And the sun doesn’t bother you anymore. You don’t quite understand what happened, but you know that your chance at freedom has finally come. Perhaps a chance for vengeance as well.

Your role is Vampire Rogue. Your are aligned with Town.


One-Shot Vampire Bite: Target one player at night. When targeted by your bite, the player will be so exhausted the next day they will be unable to perform any day actions. They will temporarily lose any chat privileges, day-use abilities, and will be unable to vote until the following day phase unless MELO/ELO has been declared.

Invigorated: The following Day after you have bitten someone, you will be a double-voter unless MELO/ELO has been declared.

You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is alive.

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The Blade of Frontiers, they call you. A warrior of great skill and power who defends the city of Baldur’s Gate from its enemies. Few know that your power came at a cost… you made a pact with a devil, trading your humanity, perhaps even your soul, if you do not follow the terms of the agreement. And yet, it has worked out well so far. Your patron’s enemies are demons, who you have no qualms about killing. Perhaps it will work out for the best. Perhaps she’ll protect you from the Absolute. A little more power couldn’t hurt, right?

Your role is Warlock of the Fiend. You are aligned with Town.


Demonic Sense: Target a player. You will learn whether that player currently has, or has the ability to grant, chat privileges.

You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is alive.

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You are Githyanki. Your people ride dragons, fly through the cosmos searching for ghaik–mind flayers–and destroying them wherever you find them. It is the will of the lich queen Vlaakith, to whom you and your people are forever devoted. Falling prey to the hated ghaik makes your skin scrawl… but there is a chance. If you can reach a githyanki creche, you can be cured, purified of the mind flayer’s taint. Even if it means working with these lesser creatures, you will let nothing stand in your way.

Your role is Githyanki Battlemaster. You are aligned with Town.


Guardian: Target a player. If that player is targeted by a blockable killing action during the night, you will die instead. While under your protection, your target is prevented from taking any night actions. You may not target the same player on consecutive nights.

You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is alive.

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Ten long years you’ve been in the Hells, forced to serve the Archdevil Zariel in the endless Blod War between the demons and devils. You were tricked, traded into hell by a powerful noble in Baldur’s Gate. But now, finally, a window of opportunity has opened, and you’ve managed to escape. You’re free! You’re home! And… you ran into mind flayers. Lovely. But you aren’t worried. The infernal engine Zariel put in your chest can burn so hot that nothing can touch you. You’ve survived worse; you’ll survive this.

Your role is Fiery Barbarian. You are aligned with Town.


Fiery Rage: You have one-shot immunity to night kills. You will be informed when this ability expires.

You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is alive.

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As a Druid of Silvanus, your role has always been to protect the balance of nature and to defend your home, the Emerald Grove. You usually keep to yourself, preferring the company of animals to people, and travel regularly in the form of a giant bear. You have recently become aware of the presence of mind flayers in the region: A disgusting, unnatural defilement of the natural order. These creatures are somehow connected to the Cult of the Absolute that has been rising in the region and you are determined to root it out.

Your role is Silvanus Druid. You are aligned with Town.


Wild Shape: Transform into one of three animals, each with a different power. You may only transform into each animal once.
Bear: Target one player. You will protect them from killing actions during the night.
Wolf: Target one player. You will learn who they visited during the night.
Bat: Target one player. You will learn who visited that person during the night.

You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is alive.

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Life in the Underdark is not easy. Your people, the Drow, have many factions that fight each other constantly, as well as the many external threats. You have thrived. Ruthless, cunning, a powerful warrior, you have spent many years slowly building power and status amongst your people. Then you were approached by a group of surfacers offering an alliance with something called the Absolute. You were suspicious, but anything to give you an edge was worth considering. When you met with them, you found yourself filled with understanding. The Absolute IS the power you have always sought. With it, there can be no resistance against you. You will crush your enemies and take what is rightfully yours.

Your role is Vengeance Paladin. You are aligned with the Cult of the Absolute (Mafia)


One-Shot Compelled Duel: Day use ability. Target one player. The elimination for the day will be between you and that player. You may use this action up until 24 hours before end of day. The night following the duel, your night kill will be unblockable, even if you die. If you survive, you will also be immune to all night actions that phase.

Factional Abilities:
You are allied with Jaheira (bessie) and can chat with them at any time using the Discord.
You both have access to the following factional powers that may be used in addition to your night actions.
Night kill. Target one player. Unless something prevents this, your target will be killed during the night.
One-shot Rolecop. Target one player. You will receive that character’s role and abilities. You may not use this the same night as you roleblock
One-shot Roleblock. Target one player. Any night actions that player attempts to take will be blocked. You may not use this the same night as you Rolecop.

You are aligned with the Cult of the Absolute and win if at least one member of your group is alive and all of your enemies are dead, or nothing can prevent this from happening.

In another universe, you might have not ended up on the side of the Absolute. In such a case, this is what your role PM would have looked like.
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Your role is Vengeance Paladin. You are aligned with Town.

One-Shot Compelled Duel: Day use ability. Target one player. The elimination for the day will only be between you and that player. You may use this action up until 24 hours before the end of day. If you survive the duel, you will be immune to all night actions the following night phase.

You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is alive.

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The Harpers have stood for a thousand years as the secret vanguard against the agents of chaos and destruction that would destroy the civilized world. And you have stood at their forefront, fighting against all sorts of evils. Some call your deeds legendary, though you find such talk unseemly. You merely listen to the voice of nature, and do what it asks. Now… nature has begun giving you a new direction. An exciting direction. A direction where you can finally end all of the strife in this world and bring it under one banner. The banner of the Absolute. The way is clear. No one must stop the Absolute, and you will kill anyone who dares stand in your way.

Your role is Harper Leader. You are aligned with the Cult of the Absolute (Mafia)


One-Shot Recruit: Target a player. You will gain chat privileges with them for the remainder of the game in the Harper Chat. The person you recruit will not be informed of your role or alignment, only that they were recruited by the Harpers.

Harper’s Pin: Target a player. That player will receive a Harper's Pin during the night and will be notified of it. This ability has no other effect. You cannot target the same player twice.

Factional Abilities:
You are allied with Minthara (Seven) and can chat with them at any time using the Discord.
You both have access to the following factional powers that may be used in addition to your night actions.
Night kill. Target one player. Unless something prevents this, your target will be killed during the night.
One-shot Rolecop. Target one player. You will receive that character’s role and abilities. You may not use this the same night as you roleblock
One-shot Roleblock. Target one player. Any night actions that player attempts to take will be blocked. You may not use this the same night as you Rolecop.

You are aligned with the Cult of the Absolute and win if at least one member of your group is alive and all of your enemies are dead, or nothing can prevent this from happening.

In another universe, you might have not ended up on the side of the Absolute. In such a case, this is what your role PM would have looked like.
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Your role is Harper Leader. You are aligned with Town

One-Shot Recruit: Target a player. If they are Town, you will gain chat privileges with them for the remainder of the game in the Harper Chat. If they are non-Town, you will die. The person who you recruit will not be informed of your role or alignment, only that they were recruited by the Harpers.

Harper’s Pin: Target a player. That player will receive a Harper's Pin during the night and will be notified of it. This ability has no other effect. You cannot target the same player twice.

You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is alive.

Night Actions:
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EGW: Target Heury. Fails due to roleblock. Receive Harper pin.
JC: Target EGW. EGW is roleblocked and bodyguarded. Dies due to bodyguard.
Wam: Target EGW. Has chat privilieges.
Bessie: Target EGW + EGW + somi. Kill redirected to JC. EGW receives Harper pin. Bessie receives somi role.
Somi: No action submitted.
Makhaira: No action available:
Seven: No action submitted
Moody: No action available

Egw target Mak. Succeeds but EGW dies.
Wam target Seven. Fails due to roleblock + immunity
Seven is immune to night actions and scum kill is strongman
Somi target moody. Moody cannot use chat.
Bessie recruit moody. Moody gains chat with bessie but cannot use it.
Seven strongman kill EGW
Seven roleblock wam
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Absolute Power)

Post by Seven »

For the Absolute
Seven (she, him, their)
aka Zen, Xivii, Hari Seldon, Ro Laren, Spirit, Khepri
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Absolute Power)

Post by Seven »

Ah so there was a medium type role

Also, just read through all the flavor. Really cool how it followed along with what was going on!
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Absolute Power)

Post by somitomi »

Paranoia, shut up

Well played, bessie & Seven, I don't think I've ever played a game where scum had this little suspicion on them all the way through.
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Absolute Power)

Post by Seven »

somitomi wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2024 6:16 am OH MY GOD IT WAS SEVEN!! I KNEW IT!!
Paranoia, shut up

Well played, bessie & Seven, I don't think I've ever played a game where scum had this little suspicion on them all the way through.
You were excellent somi. The illogical argument you called me out on, about Frozen being likely to kill JC, was totally legit
Seven (she, him, their)
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Day 3)

Post by Seven »

somitomi wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 8:03 pmI'd also like to know why you thought wam and I knew about your secret tracking powers because I still didn't find the post where you make any mention of that before D3.
btw I claimed a tracker component to my role here:
Seven wrote: Tue Apr 16, 2024 11:26 pm
Seven wrote: Mon Apr 08, 2024 8:41 am
EGW wrote: Mon Apr 08, 2024 8:36 am I still don't think you should ever use it. Did you forget I was Captain Clark in one game where I literally had that ability. I never used it.
I'll just say this, it's to town's advantage if I use it. We just need to decide the yeet early on so I'll be using it on someone who would have been elimmed anyway.
Looks like there's a good chance I'm going to be yeeted, especially if bessie/Mak are the team, so I'll go ahead and say this now. I alluded yesterday that there was a reason I wanted to use my ability. Not being able to be killed the night after is one reason (or a lie to prevent me from being killed). The other is that if I survive the dual, I can track the people on my wagon (however, the results don't tell me which person went where, only that Y players were visited by the people on my wagon). If we were going to hammer Mak, I was going to have 3 people vote me before doing so. I wanted to keep this secret because if scum are split on the wagons and know I'm tracking those on mine, they can simply have the member on the other wagon do the kill.
No one seemed to have read it though so I came into today hedging on it, hoping I could avoid talking about it by vote time haha
Seven (she, him, their)
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Absolute Power)

Post by Wam »

I missed that!

Well.done bessie and Seven. Glad I got to bessie in the end. Shame my power was useless, but had I survived n3 and got a result may have got there!
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Absolute Power)

Post by moody7277 »

Proving once again the stereotype about what barbarians use for their dump stat. :roll:

If I get too confident about bessie being town henceforth, someone mention Baldur's Gate to me.
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Absolute Power)

Post by Makhaira »

ggs, wp scum

I shouldve just spite shot seven but not sure it wouldve even worked after they won the thunderdome

moody brother you really need to pay better attention to whats going on in the game, you didnt update at all after the flips and I literally provided an explicit explanation for why sevens role was literally balanced around it being compatible with being a scum role. Absolutely wild that you would give the slot that spearheaded every miselim a free pass because of a roleclaim like that, you literally handed scum the game because of that

Guys if the most active player spearheads two miselims and then suddently the slot theyve been buddying all game and stated is obvtown (EGW) gets NKd before elo/melo you need to get your heads out of your ass and elim the slot. It is absolute nonsense that seven wasnt even considered in ELO

Also bessie shouldve been elim'd on the spot for confidently calling me a liar when my claim was proven to be true upon twilight triggering EOD2, and my flip confirming my claim.

Like seriously if you miselim twice in a row and the slot spearheading the elims hasnt flipped yet, its endgame, and all the players pushing them (me and EGW) have been silenced, you should probably be looking at the slot the dead confirmed townies have been telling you to look at. I do not understand why no one in this game even gave my or egws points against seven a second thought. Very frustrating to see tbh

Like part of being a good town player is making correct calls. If you dont punish slots for constantly pushing miselims yall are gonna get constantly rolled by any competent scum. Literally the towns biggest advantage in forum mafia is papertrail, and literally none of the surviving townies in endgame even tried to understand where EGW or I were coming from
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Absolute Power)

Post by Makhaira »

Props to somi and wam for picking up on bessie scum tbh, sevens mate was hard for me to figure out and yall almost pulled thru, moody just had massive blinders on for no reason. Doubly wild that moody would completely disregard my claim "because scum have safe claims" (in his own words, he literally said my claim meant 'bupkiss' or whatever because of this), meanwhile seven simply proving they have a power that was deliberately limited in when it could be used so that it could be compatible with a scum role, apparantly is enough to clear the slot????? Make it make sense like holllllly shit

Also gotta give props to JC for making the correct bodyguard call, most pro town thing Ive ever seen them do, unironically an impressive night action choice
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Absolute Power)

Post by Makhaira »

Oh and shoutout to laser for hosting and a very well designed setup. Just read thru the roles now, very robust balancing choices and excellent flavor incorporation

Extra sad now knowing my day kill would've worked on seven ;_;
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Absolute Power)

Post by Makhaira »

I cannot get over how wild it is that seven buddied EGW all game, then as soon as EGW turns on the seven slot he gets NKd, conveniently getting rid of one of sevens "hard town reads" just in time for endgame and also silencing the second most vocal attacker of the seven slot, and no one even batted an eye at it

This game may as well have been a no flip game with the way people were playing
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Absolute Power)

Post by Seven »

I told you guys in my first post that the plan was to eliminate Mak and George by any means hehe. Mak I knew you'd solve the game by D2

For the record, bessie genuinely did think your role was a false claim.

Here's scum chat btw:
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Absolute Power)

Post by EGW »

I blame myself partly due to my reads both reading Seven and Bessie as town. Bessie was looking really townie though, props to her. Apologies to Somi for me sussing him when he was coming to a good conclusion. I was blinded by confirmation bias on Mak, that ended the game for us. I need a better way to handle Mak. I think I'm going to just let him live until lylo and then figure him out then since by then he should be able to figure things out. I do think Moody should have more thoroughly analyzed Bessie but I'm not too miffed by it.
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Absolute Power)

Post by somitomi »

Seven wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2024 6:57 am You were excellent somi. The illogical argument you called me out on, about Frozen being likely to kill JC, was totally legit
Yeah, but I was slow to vote you for that and didn't follow through with it afterwards. I could kick myself for letting moody sway me with the idea that scum wouldn't get this power, because otherwise spearheading two miselims would've been a good reason to do that. In general this game has been a lot of wising up too late for me, I didn't use my power N1 in part because I didn't realise it might not that be useful by N2 (and when I did realise I thought none of its effects would work in ELO/MELO). :oops:
Seven wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2024 7:01 am No one seemed to have read it though so I came into today hedging on it, hoping I could avoid talking about it by vote time haha
Now that you quoted it I remember seeing that but apparently I didn't put that in longer term memory. I did try to push that line of questioning, but you successfully ran out the clock on that.
Makhaira wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2024 7:06 pm Also gotta give props to JC for making the correct bodyguard call, most pro town thing Ive ever seen them do, unironically an impressive night action choice
In retrospect I have no idea how nobody thought of that possibility even without a role flip.
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Absolute Power)

Post by Seven »

somitomi wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2024 9:32 am
Seven wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2024 6:57 am You were excellent somi. The illogical argument you called me out on, about Frozen being likely to kill JC, was totally legit
Yeah, but I was slow to vote you for that and didn't follow through with it afterwards. I could kick myself for letting moody sway me with the idea that scum wouldn't get this power, because otherwise spearheading two miselims would've been a good reason to do that. In general this game has been a lot of wising up too late for me, I didn't use my power N1 in part because I didn't realise it might not that be useful by N2 (and when I did realise I thought none of its effects would work in ELO/MELO). :oops:
I mean I didn't make my compliment lightly. You catching me was the only time I was flustered this game. You made the right vote two days in a row, it can't be helped that others didn't catch on.
Seven (she, him, their)
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Absolute Power)

Post by somitomi »

Seven wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:02 pm I mean I didn't make my compliment lightly. You catching me was the only time I was flustered this game. You made the right vote two days in a row, it can't be helped that others didn't catch on.
Well, thanks. I just lost the game so naturally I'm looking at the things I could've done differently, but I read the scum chat and saw you mentioning that when it happened so I do feel validated. Or should I say
For what it's worth I think you were excellent too, claiming the thunderdome power early and having that conversation on D1 about it was a great setup so you could use it to pressure Mak on D2. And the only person to be suspicious of the early claim was your buddy :lol:
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Absolute Power)

Post by LaserGuy »

Thanks for playing everyone!
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Absolute Power)

Post by bessie »

Thank you everyone for playing! Town played well and I am very surprised this didn’t go to a final three because town was always so close to catching us.

heuristically_alone – Whew I’m glad you were taken out early because you had a dangerous power. And you always suspect me so I’m sure you would have caught me with one of your powers.

JC_Daddy25 – Great save on N1. You have great instincts and we wanted to get rid of you D1 because you would have been a lot of trouble for us late game.

Makhaira – You’re too good of a player. Seven wanted to eliminate you N1 because he was sure you would have the solve on D2, and you did.
Makhaira wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2024 6:50 pm Also bessie shouldve been elim'd on the spot for confidently calling me a liar when my claim was proven to be true upon twilight triggering EOD2, and my flip confirming my claim.
I honestly thought you lied about your role for the reason I gave in the thread. I thought you were a PGO trying to draw the NK.

EGW – I love you George. That is all.

Somitomi – You caught the only slip Seven made and now he’s scared of you. I’ve been warning everyone about you for a long time.

moody7277 – I picked you to chat because I knew you would suspect me if I didn’t, and if you had a power that could catch me you would. You’re one of my favorite people to play mafia with and I’m glad we have this forum and found each other again.
moody7277 wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2024 11:33 am If I get too confident about bessie being town henceforth, someone mention Baldur's Gate to me.
It will probably be me that does this.

Wam – Another person Seven wanted to kill early because he knew you would solve the game, that’s why Seven blocked you. You played too well and if time zones were different you probably would have led town to victory.

Seven – Having Seven as a partner almost made this too easy because we have opposite playstyles so it was easy to attack him for what I perceived as scummy content.

LaserGuy – Flavor was perfect. I’m not especially good at game balance but I thought the balance was ok; I will think about it. Thank you for hosting your games are always fun and special.
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