Baldur's Gate Mafia (Absolute Power)

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Baldur's Gate Mafia (Absolute Power)

Post by LaserGuy »


Mod: LaserGuy
Size: 9
Speed: Day Phase lasts 5 days. Night Phase 2 days. Generally, I will try to maintain a cycle where the first and last day of the Day phase will fall on a weekday, preferably with the weekend in the middle. I may adjust the length of Day/Night phases slightly to maintain a consistent schedule.

Flavour: Based on the game Baldur’s Gate 3. There will be some minor spoilers in the flavour, but I will try to keep it to things you would see in the trailers or the first few hours of gameplay. Flavour knowledge is not required.


• All chat is Day and Night chat unless otherwise specified. Chats will generally be in a Discord channel.
• Players (including dead ones) may NOT read spoilers in GoJoe until explicitly told they are allowed to by the mod.
• Characters and roles are not alignment indicative, but flavour may inform abilities.
• Several roles are somewhat non-standard. Please read your role carefully and make sure you understand the mechanics correctly. Some actions may only be activated at non-standard times. If your action contains an internal deadline, please pay attention to it.
• Non-Town players will have safeclaims.
• There are no Cults, Secret Wincons, or other Alignment changing roles. One of the factions will be referred to as “The Cult of the Absolute”, however, this is flavour only and is not indicative of a recruiting cult.
• There are no posting restrictions, spoiler reading, listening, or other bastard roles.
• MELO/ELO will be announced purely based on the number of players present in the game without consideration for abilities that may be able to influence the outcome. Please remember to avoid using the word "lynch" for eliminations.
• Moderator text with Game Info is in BOLD. Bolded text will not lie. Flavor text is in italics (and occasionally blue).
• To show that you have read this section, please reply to your role PM with the word Absolute.
• In the event of a tied vote at end of day, the player who reached the highest votal first will be eliminated. Players are allowed to vote NO ELIMINATION, which always wins ties.

General Rules:

Standard Posting Rules:
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Posting rules:
1. No posting in the game thread unless you are playing in it.
2. No talking about this game except in the game thread or in an appropriately titled spoiler in the discussion thread
3. No player may read discussion spoilers about this game until they are informed by the mods that they are dead and free to read spoilers.
4. No editing your posts. For any reason. At any time.
5. Do not lurk! One post per real-life day is the recommended minimum. Consideration will be given for weekends.
6. Players lurking excessively will be replaced or, if replacement is not possible, modkilled. See above.
7. Any player who is modkilled for rule violations (not lurking) will automatically lose.
8. You may post in thread during the day phase but not the night phase. Once the deadline is reached, or a hammer vote has been cast, there is no more posting, even if the mod has not announced the end of day.
9. You may not play to lose, or act in a way that is clearly against your win condition.
10. You may not use encryption systems in order to communicate privately or circumvent these rules.
11. This is a game; it’s meant to be fun. Personal attacks or other offensive behaviour towards other players will not be tolerated.
12. Questions or actions requiring moderator attention should generally be done via PM. Day or Night actions should always be submitted by PM. Requests for moderation done in thread may be ignored at the moderator's discretion.

Standard Voting Rules:
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1. Votes and questions for the mod must be posted in bold and on a new line, like this:

Vote: LaserGuy

You do NOT have to unvote to change votes, but it makes things easier and will be very much appreciated if you do. You can unvote in bold and on a new line, like this:

Unvote LaserGuy
Vote: Theallieza

2. When someone gains a majority of the votes, they are automatically executed and it becomes night, as above. Posting content after the hammer vote is not allowed, even if the hammer vote was accidental.
3. If the deadline is reached and no player has been hammered, then the person with the most votes when the mod calls night will be executed.
4. If the votals are tied, then the person who hit the tied number of votes first will be executed. “No Execution” will be treated exactly the same as any other player for determining votal results, except that "No Execution" always wins ties.

1. Makhaira
2. heury
3. bessie
4. somitomi
5. Seven
6. EGW
7. Moody
8. Wam
9. JCDaddy

1. Madge

Sample Town Role PM
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Your role is Commoner. You are aligned with Town.

Abilites: You have no special powers or abilities.

You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is alive.
Last edited by LaserGuy on Wed Apr 24, 2024 3:41 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Pregame)

Post by LaserGuy »

If you want a bit more flavour background, you may want to watch the trailer here


You awake in a strange place, trapped in some sort of strange, alien pod, like a cocoon made of flesh. Others are nearby, and you can see other individuals in them, similarly trapped. You watch as a tall, lanky figure floats into the room. It wears a robe the colour of blood, etched in gold with strange glyphs. Its face is something out of a nightmare, a bald head with dark purple skin, a mouth a mass of writhing tentacles, and red eyes burning with hate. You know this creature. A being of terrible legend. A mind flayer. It stares at you, then reaches into a pool in the middle of the room and withdraws a small, worm-like creature, squirming in the mind flayer’s long, spindly fingers. It approaches you. You try to pull away, but are powerless to resist as the mind flayer reaches out with the squirming creature, until it fills your vision…

You are wakened by an explosion. Your body slams against your fleshy prison, and to your surprise, you burst through it. Freedom! You see the others are free as well. Humans. Elves. A tiefling. A gith. You all begin to flee. You are in some sort of craft, itself seeming some sort of living being. Best not to think about it. There must be a way out. Something moves across your vision. Not in front of you; within your eye. A shudder passes through you.


Another explosion! The floor pitches violently sideways, sending you all sprawling. Smoke fills the air, and the heat of flames comes from everywhere. You force your way through a threshold and come to a sudden stop. You can see the ground far below. You are traveling in some eldritch craft of the mind flayers. Looking like a giant flying squid, perhaps alive, perhaps not, but damaged from some battle, burning badly. Before you have time to absorb this completely, the nautiloid pitches violently again, and you are thrown skyward. Falling. Falling. Falling.

A voice in your head:

You carry a mind flayer parasite. It will kill you, or make you a servant of the Absolute, their ‘god’. But fear not, I can protect you. Some of those among you are not so fortunate. Their souls already belong to the Absolute. You must find them. Purge them before it is too late. They know that you can stand against the Absolute, and will try to destroy you. Once they are dispose of, I can help you be rid of the parasite that infects you.
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Pregame)

Post by LaserGuy »

Role PMs will be going out shortly. Confirm in thread and do the thing you're supposed to.
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Pregame)

Post by heuristically_alone »

Confirm. PM sent
If you think tough men are dangerous, wait til you see what weak men are capable of.
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Pregame)

Post by EGW »

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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Pregame)

Post by moody7277 »

Confirming and sent
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Pregame)

Post by Makhaira »

Confirmed, PM sent, also heads up to everyone that I will be V/LA from 4/5 - 4/8
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Pregame)

Post by bessie »

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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Pregame)

Post by Seven »

Confirm mafia with Swiss
Seven (she, him, their)
aka Zen, Xivii, Hari Seldon, Ro Laren, Spirit, Khepri
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Pregame)

Post by somitomi »

Sending and confirmed
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Pregame)

Post by Wam »

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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Pregame)

Post by LaserGuy »

With 8/9 players confirmed, we will be starting shortly. Thank you all for reading the rules carefully.
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Pregame)

Post by LaserGuy »


You gather together, a group of unlikely strangers brought together by the most unfortunate of circumstances. A consensus is quickly reached… the city of Baldur’s Gate is not far. Perhaps someone there can help you. There are healers, sorcerers, clerics of every god. Someone must know what to do. The nine of you begin to travel, piecing together your shared knowledge of local landmarks. It shouldn’t take more than a few days to get there.

But there is an undercurrent of suspicion among the group. You wonder… did the others hear the mysterious voice? Can they be trusted? Can the voice itself be trusted? You realize you are gripping your weapon, and some of the others seem to be doing the same.

Inside your skull, you can feel the parasite quivering. If the Voice is protecting you, perhaps you have no choice but to trust its advice. For now.

Day 1 Has Begun

Current VC:

Not voting: Makhaira, heury, bessie, somitomi, Seven, EGW, Moody, Wam
Awaiting confirmation: JC_Daddy

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to hammer. Deadline is Tuesday April 9th at 9pm Pacific time. Deadline timer
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Day 1)

Post by Seven »

Seven: yo!

this is gonna be good!

sorry you rolled scum again tho!

Swissai: I am always scum, even when town.

The manipulation, the dominance, runs deep through my veins.


I'm so glad I rolled scum with you. too ez

Swissai: I'm sure you are.

Seven: lmao

your humility knows no bounds

Swissai: I am the most humble person I know.

Seven: lol anyway what's your role?

Swissai: Scum.

Seven: abilities Swiss, abilities

Swissai: That's on a need to know basis (i.e. I haven't read my role PM yet)

Seven: ah. In my PM it just says that you're a Shadow Legend but doesn't say anything else. I'm a Dragon Tamer. I have a day ability that stops someone from being elimmed.

let me know when you check yours, I like to plan everything out.

Swissai: I'm on honeymoon, chekc later.

Seven: kk

you're clearly on PC though based off that typo, or do you have spell check turned off?

Swissai: Yes.

Seven: lol

well I'm gonna post my thoughts here. no need to respond just want to get oriented

1. Makhaira
2. heury
3. bessie
4. somitomi
5. Seven
6. EGW
7. Moody
8. Wam
9. JCDaddy

not sure why you're not on the player list. Anyway, 7 + 2. OP mentions "Cult" that's not a cult faction though so we're probably dealing with 6v2v1. Meaning we only need 2 town MLs+NKs to win. I'm going to guess that there's a lot of protective abilities going on, as I doubt Laser would design a setup with a Day 2 Lylo.

heury and somi are the general ML bait. JC maybe, but last few times I've tried to get him yeeted it was an uphill battle despite his low activity. Somi might not be elimmed D1 too if bessie is still doing the don't yeet somi D1 thing. She'll eventually tunnel him by D2 though.

Speaking of, I need to avoid bessie at all costs. We've gotten into this habit of death tunneling each other and it always starts when I'm suss of her. So I guess I just keep her in nullish town.

don't want to nk her tho cause she'll be useful for ML somi on later days

Ran isn't yeetable. and he is the best at reading me out of anyone. i want to nk him immediately

Moody is yeetable. Wam yeetable.

Mak is also going to be tough to play against, but you handled him last time I think. Ran > Mak as nk order

I think I'm going to start out finding something off with moody D1 and transition to heury at the end of the day when everyone inevitably swings to him at the last minute like they always do

yeah we got this. just gotta manage Ran and Mak for now.

don't forget to let me know your ability when you're back on!
Seven (she, him, their)
aka Zen, Xivii, Hari Seldon, Ro Laren, Spirit, Khepri
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Pregame)

Post by Seven »

heuristically_alone wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 11:48 pm Confirm. PM sent
moody7277 wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2024 1:03 am Confirming and sent
somitomi wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2024 8:04 am Sending and confirmed
Scum mimicry.

Vote: Moody
Seven (she, him, their)
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Day 1)

Post by somitomi »

Well, I messed up my sleep schedule entirely, so cohenerence will not be an option from me going forward.

I already have no idea what Seven's doing, so that's business as usual

Vote: bessie in an actual, true random vote

Hey Wam, heury, do you guys want to form an unyeetable voting block for today, so we all survive D1?
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Day 1)

Post by moody7277 »

Well, scum having safe claims means mass claim is worthless; bessie should be happy with that.

Even with powerful town, 6-3 is a definite no, so 7-2 sounds right.

And yes, even when he's not playing, scum!Swiss is such a threat that I had some knee weakness from Seven's bit of fun.
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Day 1)

Post by EGW »

Vote: Wam
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Day 1)

Post by bessie »

Woof! I’m here! I’ve played with all of you before, so you know my usual hours. Weekday evenings and weekends; no work hours. And since LaserGuy and I are in the same time zone, I should be online at deadlines.

@Seven, I don’t like your confirmation post. FoS.
Seven’s opening post is ok, there is some good meta analysis (of which, I’m just noting for now). However, he continues with his confirmation post gambit. Hmmmmm.
Staying with FoS for now.

somitomi wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2024 8:52 pm Well, I messed up my sleep schedule entirely, so cohenerence will not be an option from me going forward.
Meta - typical.
somitomi wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2024 8:52 pm I already have no idea what Seven's doing, so that's business as usual
Any guesses? Is there anything in that post you find interesting?
somitomi wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2024 8:52 pm Hey Wam, heury, do you guys want to form an unyeetable voting block for today, so we all survive D1?
Why these three? Why not moody?
FoS somitomi.

moody7277 wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2024 11:49 pm Well, scum having safe claims means mass claim is worthless; bessie should be happy with that.
happy bessie.PNG
happy bessie.PNG (168.2 KiB) Viewed 3835 times

More later after more people post.
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Day 1)

Post by JC_DADDY25 »

Confirm and did the thing I was supposed to do.
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Day 1)

Post by Seven »

Y'all I gave the right answer in class today but it sounded like I didn't give the right answer and I can't stop thinking about it
Seven (she, him, their)
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Day 1)

Post by Seven »

It was something to the likes of "43 divided by 554 times two" which I meant as 43/(554 *2)

but it could have been that I was saying (43/554) * 2

and the professor instead of affirming or getting clarity on my answer wrote and said his own thing "43 divided by 554 divided by two" , i.e. (43/554)/2

which made it seem like I made a mistake even though they're the same thing I'm just ugg it was supposed to be my moment of being cool not a fool
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Day 1)

Post by Seven »

Seven: sigh bessie already getting started in her first post. it seems peace was never an option

Fonti: Just ignore it. If we need to, I'll steer her away.

Seven: word. It's still scummy though

Fonti: ???

Seven: her fos, it's weird, especially after I talked about how I was going to try and not repeat the same pattern we've been doing

additionally in AI she was suspicious of people for doing basic comfirmation posts, yet here she is suss of my incredibly humorous conformation. Further, she always does this "Claimed Town [-1]" thing but I claimed Mafia, therefore she should think I'm town

(last part is a joke, but still something seems off)

Fonti: My dude, you're mafia. Why are trying to read her?

Seven: oh lol I keep forgetting

what about the Indy faction?

Fonti: There's no 3p in a 9 player game with 2 mafia, c'mon now.

Seven: let's bet

Fonti: No.
Seven (she, him, their)
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Day 1)

Post by heuristically_alone »

Hello fellow party members. It is, the wise the old wizard who will carry us to victory. *Rolls for charisma*
Ahh a 15. Therefore I already have most of you confused I must be town.
@somitomi I will support your plan.
Cast fireball on VOTE: Bessie

IRL I'm currently working 12+ hours on Wednesday to Saturday, but off Sunday to Tuesday so, expect your typical massive heury content those days.
If you think tough men are dangerous, wait til you see what weak men are capable of.
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Re: Baldur's Gate Mafia (Day 1)

Post by moody7277 »

Vote: JC
for confirming last

I like EGW getting straight to business.
somi's thing is a little weird, but understandable considering how often they are suspected early.
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