Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Game Over

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Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Game Over

Post by osieorb18 »

Songs of Our Times 13p Role Madness Mafia

Hosted by Osieorb18. Cohosted by somitomi.

  • Toxicity: This is a game, which we are playing for fun. If you bring toxic behaviour into the game, you can expect to be removed from the game for the sake of maintaining that fun. Follow the Forum-Wide rules and Forum Game rules.
  • OGI/Angleshooting: For the purposes of a game of mafia, everything outside the game thread should be treated publicly as if it doesn't exist.
    • What you or any other player is or isn't doing online (outside of the game) or offline, anywhere, doesn't exist.
    • The game host and moderators don't exist. (All communication with/about hosts and moderators must be kept private.)
    • Reports don't exist (if you need to report something, just do it, don't mention it publicly and do not threaten to report someone.) Similarly, infractions, prods, and warnings don't exist. If you get one, handle it privately, don't mention it in the game thread.
    • Other ongoing games don't exist. (Do not mention them.)
    • If you need to sub out, discuss it with the host. If you ask the host to sub you out, you should cease posting. Discussing why someone has been subbed out, announcing you will sub out, telling someone to sub out, public speculation as to someone's alignment based on the substitution itself are all forbidden. Think what you will about a person's alignment, at your own risk. Using the manner or motivation surrounding a substitution as reasoning is forbidden.
    • Do not pretend to break the rules.
    Essentially, if you damage the sanctity of this game, you damage the sanctity of your position in this game and future games.
  • Inactivity: You are expected to be active in the game thread, or communicate to the host that you cannot do so. If you are inactive, it is damaging to the sanctity of the game. You will usually only receive one warning for inactivity without communication, and then any future instances are likely to lead to replacement or modkill.
  • Gamethrowing is any form of not playing towards your win condition. Do not self-vote. Do not try to get other players to vote for you. Do not attempt to remove yourself from the game in any manner. Gamethrowing will be handled with extreme prejudice.
  • Cheating is any form of intentionally attempting to circumvent or break these rules, or weaponizing or abusing the trust or presence of the host or moderators. Cheating will be handled with extreme prejudice.
Long-Form Version
#0: I am the host and I reserve the rights to change these rules.

I am the final arbiter of role interactions and game rule infringements. I will never lie or intentionally mislead you. If you have a problem with a ruling I make, please shelve it until after the game. To the best of my and my reviewers' knowledge, this is not a bastard game.

#1: Follow the spirit of these rules in addition to the letter.

These rules direct the actions of human beings and are enforced by human beings. I am lenient in many a case, as I know that human beings are fallible and that players often don't read the rules. That said, I do not like to have to warn the same player for the same rule multiple times.

If you knowingly try to cheat the game or the game rules in any manner, usually it will be discovered. If I catch you intentionally and knowingly cheating, not only will you be immediately modkilled, not only will I be extremely likely to not allow you in any games I run in the future, but I will also likely make sure that you are publicly known across sites to be a cheater.

If you believe that you have found a mistake or loophole in these rules, please discuss it with me before posting.

#2: Have fun, be respectful towards the other people involved in the game and follow the normal forum rules. This is a game, which we're playing for fun. Expect a low tolerance for toxicity.

You are responsible for following all forum and subforum rules and guidelines. Forum-wide rules are available here. Forum Game Rules are available here.

Mafia is a game, we’re here to have fun. Please be respectful of the other people involved in the game. Sometimes emotions run high and we get caught up in the moment. That is not an excuse for flaming or poor sportsmanship.

I won't be moderating profanity. That's on you.

While I don't care about cursing, there will be consequences for derogatory content, in particular, slurs, in relation to or targeted towards another user or person, at my own reasonable discretion.

#3: Keep the out-of-game separate from the in-game. This is a modkillable/reportable offense.
  • DO NOT talk about this game outside of this thread and outside communication given to you in your role PM or approved by me. Please attempt to copy me in as appropriate on out-of-game messages sent to other players. It is a good idea to ask permission before discussing the game with anyone outside the game, because they can no longer replace into the game once any meaningful discussion takes place.
  • DO NOT directly quote or screenshot your role PM or any private communications when posting in the main game thread. This includes any chats. Pretending to break this rule is the same as actually breaking it. Putting words or phrases in quotation marks when discussing private communications in-thread is also a violation of this rule. Please paraphrase - if you are in doubt, ask me before posting!
  • DO NOT bring up rule-breaking in thread. If you feel that someone is breaking the rules, bring it up with myself and/or the game manager for the game directly. Accusing someone of rulebreaking in thread or in game-related communications that involve multiple people other than the host will be grounds for a modkill.
  • When posting in a mafia game, please do not use angleshooting or out-of-game knowledge, to the best of your ability. This means do not discuss the timing, reasons, or order of substitutions and modkills, do not discuss the timing or phrasing of role PMs, do not make alignment bets with out of game consequences, and do not use “trust tells” or similar. This list is not exhaustive. Providing direct proof (e.g. picture of yourself at an out-of-game activity, screenshot of out-of-game notes) of an out-of-game context in thread is another form of angleshooting.
#4: By confirming that you have received your Role PM, you also confirm that you have read it.

Not reading your Role PM is a form of cheating. I consider there to only be one warning for this, for life. If I know that a player knows that they must read their role PM but has chosen not to do so, this rule and related consequences will be enforced with great prejudice.

#5: DO NOT edit posts unless discussed with the mod. Even if it’s an accidental double post. In particular, DO NOT delete posts. This is a modkillable/reportable offense.

#6: No funny business. Play towards your win condition. If you no longer wish to participate in a game for any reason, contact the host. DO NOT attempt to force the host to modkill you. DO NOT use invisible text, cryptography, tiny writing, hidden messages, trust tells, lynching for reasons outside of perceived alignment, or similar. DO NOT post after you are dead. DO NOT post if you are not a player. This is a modkillable/reportable offense.

#7: Post game-related content as required by the game-specific inactivity rules. LET'S MAKE THIS A REPLACEMENT-FREE GAME, IF AT ALL POSSIBLE.

If you have not maintained minimum posting requirements, you will be prodded. Failing to respond to the prod within 24 hours will lead to your replacement or modkill. Content is, of course, subjective, but “Posting to avoid prod,” “catching up,” or similar short not-really-game-related posts are obviously not content. If you need to be absent for an extended period of time please contact me directly so that I and the other players know when you’ll be back. Do not explain your reasons for being absent in thread. If you will be gone for more than a full round, you should consider requesting replacement.

#8: I make no promises about public answers to any question. If you have a question about your role or a rules interaction, please communicate with me privately. If you do choose to tag a host in the thread, that host may ignore you.

#9: Mafia team players may submit actions for other Mafia team players if the other Mafia team player has not submitted an action. However, if the other Mafia team player ever submits an action, their fellow Mafia team players cannot change what that Mafia team player submitted.

#10: Make your votes clear to the host and to all people reading your posts. Please place your votes on a separate line and bold them.
TL;DR: Be excellent to each other, don't be inactive, ask me questions in private when possible, no funny business, etc. and... have fun, that’s the whole point.

Game-Specific Rules
  • Activity - Players are expected to post 3 content posts per 48 hours and at least 1 content post in the final 24 hours of the Day phase or communicate to me (ideally in private, and ideally beforehand) that they cannot do so. They need not give a reason; if they tell me that they cannot make posts in a certain time period, I consider that to be sufficient. If it's a long enough time period, I will discuss with that player a possible compromise number of posts or potential for replacement. Not communicating until after the fact is handled on a case by case basis, but I am more than understanding that people are human and situations come up. If a player makes 0-1 content posts over 48 hours without communicating to me that they won't be able to post, I am likely to consider them to have abandoned the game thread and therefore seek replacement.
  • OGI/Angleshooting - Players will usually receive one friendly warning for OGI/Angleshooting. If it's more mild and/or clearly unknowing/unintentional, they may receive an additional warning before further moderation is considered. If it's more egregious, or they've already been warned, they will be considered for replacement or modkill. Intentional OGI/Angleshooting is cheating and will be quashed with great prejudice.
  • No Funny Business - No editing or deleting posts without explicit host permission. No cryptography, trust tells, or the like. If you're not sure if a post is okay, ask the host privately.
  • Toxicity - Bigotry and personal attacks do not belong in the game. Similarly to OGI/Angleshooting, if it's more mild and/or clearly unknowing/unintentional, they may receive an additional warning before further moderation is considered. If it's more egregious, or they've already been warned, they will be considered for replacement or modkill. Intentional toxicity is disgusting and will be quashed with great prejudice. Bigotry and direct attacks will usually be handled much more harshly than if a situation just escalates into a nasty argument. Again, we're all human. It happens.
  • Subbing Out - If a player no longer wishes to play, for any reason, I ask only that they please message me privately, rather than trying to get themself removed from the game via any other means. I have always honored such a request and never require reasons. No matter what the reason is for the request, I expect players to stop posting in game threads and chats once they have requested to be removed from the game. Requesting removal is saying "I no longer wish to participate." Participating at that point is trying to eat your cake and own it whole too. It's disrespectful to everyone involved.
  • Post Maximum - To avoid culture clashes, players are expected to keep their postcount within a reasonable margin. There is a loose post maximum of 20 posts per 24 hours. Going a bit above this occasionally is fine (read: doing so with enough regularity may lead to a prod), but there is a strict post maximum of 24 posts per 24 hours. Breaking the strict post maximum will result in a prod the first time, being rolecrushed (becoming vanilla for some amount of time) by the host the second time, and being forcibly replaced or modkilled the third time. I may remove or raise the post maximum at some point during the game (such as when a certain number of players have died).
Setup-Specific Info
  • This is not a bastard game.
  • Setup-gaming and Flavour-gaming will only lead to Osie laughing at you in spec chat. You can assume that mass-claiming will be mechanically unfavourable to the Town.
  • I do not mind if you are not honest about what I have told you in PMs. Keep in mind, though, that my answers to other players questions may contradict what you have said in that case.
  • Players with chats can chat at any time.
  • Vote manipulation has no effect in XyLO.
  • Elimination Deadlines will be 120 hours.
  • Night phases will be 48 hours long. Night phases will be split into 36 hours for action submission and 12 hours for action handling.
  • Some abilities may change a player's target. The affected player will only directly learn of the change of target if they would learn information about their target.
  • Some abilities may cause other players' actions to fail, either via direct prevention or otherwise. The affected player will learn "Your action failed."
  • Some abilities may cause some forms of information in the game to be false. These will never affect role reveals or the original role PM. Acceptable roles include but are not limited to variations on Millers, Godfathers, Framers, Tailors, Lawyers, Ninjas, and Strongmen.
  • Unless stated otherwise, players with chats may chat in them at any time. Players with chats are expected to make at least 2 posts in those chats during the Night phase or communicate with the host that they cannot do so.
  • This game uses "hard majority" majority elimination at greater than 50% of living players during the Day and "soft majority" plurality elimination at 33% or more of living players at the end of the Day. Ties will be resolved by checking who received that number of votes first. Should no player receive either a hard majority of votes during the Day or a soft majority of votes at the end of the Day, no elimination will occur.
  • Players may vote for no elimination to occur.
  • If there is an intentional no elimination for a Day, followed by an intentional no kill for a Night, followed by an intentional no elimination once more for a second Day, then at host discretion, a random town player may become the elimination for the second Day. This rule exists to prevent perpetual MyLO.
  • Actions will follow NAR as well as I can. When it comes down to it, I'm going to be making a decision, and you might not always agree with that decision. Please save concerns until the end of the game.
  • Each phase, one factional action and one non-factional action can be taken.
  • The game will start when all players have adequately responded to their role PMs.
  • Players may not read spoilers unless they have been added to a spectator chat.

1. Suzaku Märklin - MAFIA Death and All His Friends, modkilled (eliminated) Day 2.
2. moody7277 - TOWN When I'm 64, eliminated Day 3.
3. madge
4. Zeniba Seven
5. Wam
6. bessie - TOWN Anitra's Dance, killed Night 2.
7. patzer xX_WakeMeUp1337_Xx
8. SuperJedi224
9. the worst
10. Morgan - TOWN Pinball Wizard, killed Day 2.
11. Wisp - TOWN Home, died Night 1.
12. Sabrar - MAFIA This is War, eliminated Day 1.
13. MathBlade


Day 1 Start | Votecount | Votecount | Votecount (AC 1.1) | Votecount | Votecount | Votecount (AC 1.2) | Seven replaces Zeniba | Votecount (AC 1.3) | Votecount (AC 1.4) | xX_WakeMeUp1337_Xx replaces patzer | Votecount (AC 1.5) | Votecount | Votecount | Votecount | Votecount | Final Day 1 Votecount (AC 1.6) | Night 1 Start

Day 2 Start
Last edited by osieorb18 on Mon Dec 13, 2021 5:40 pm, edited 16 times in total.
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Pregame

Post by osieorb18 »

Role PMs have been sent out. Awaiting confirmations.
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Pregame

Post by Suzaku »

Egosearch post.
Pronouns: he/him/his
Time Zone: JST (UTC+9)
Fools ignore complexity. Pragmatists suffer it.
Some can avoid it. Geniuses remove it.
-- Perlis's Programming Proverb #58, SIGPLAN Notices, Sept. 1982
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Day 1

Post by osieorb18 »

Day 1 Start
Sing us a song, you're the piano man...
All players have confirmed their roles.

Day 1 starts now.

Day 1 Elimination Deadline will be 10 AM PST on November 22nd.

A cold wind blows... All players are Loved today, requiring an additional vote to eliminate.

With 13 players, it takes 7 votes 8 votes to eliminate by majority, and 5 votes 6 votes to eliminate by plurality.

As a reminder, players may not read spoilers until they have been added to a spectator chat.
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Day 1

Post by Wisp »

Hi everyone, nice to play on a new site, as well as playing with all the familiar faces
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Day 1

Post by Sabrar »

It's good to be back. Let's honor the old traditions.

Vote: wam

Could everyone please post their preferred pronouns? I don't think I've played with half of the playerbase. It's he/him for me.
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Day 1

Post by moody7277 »

Vote: MathBlade

For any future confusion between you and freezeblade, a former mafia player colleague.
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Day 1

Post by MathBlade »

Excuse me while I am in delight over here. Thanks for being inclusive! I will get an avvy and sig later.

He/him are my pronouns.

And I love the programming proverb in your sig Suzaku. I will be busy working so will check in late tonight.

the worst

Get your quacky self here.

Pedit: I doubt that confusion would happen. I do not know of this freezeblade but I’ve probably been a blade long before freezeblade was a twinkle in their parents eyes.
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Day 1

Post by osieorb18 »


Votee (Votes/Elimination) - Voter(s)

Wam (1/8) - Sabrar
MathBlade (1/8) - moody7277
the worst (1/8) - MathBlade

Not Voting (10): bessie, madge, Morgan, patzer, SuperJedi224, Suzaku, the worst, Wam, Wisp, Zeniba

Elimination Deadline is 10 AM PST on November 22nd.
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Day 1

Post by Wisp »

Sabrar wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 6:15 pm It's good to be back. Let's honor the old traditions.

Vote: wam

Could everyone please post their preferred pronouns? I don't think I've played with half of the playerbase. It's he/him for me.
I don't care either way honestly
but I am a he
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Day 1

Post by Morgan »

Vote Wisp
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Day 1

Post by patzer »

hello. good to see you all! i go by she but won’t mind if you do something else.
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Day 1

Post by Wam »

vote sabrar

Some traditions cant be ignored.
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Day 1

Post by SuperJedi224 »

Hello everyone, little out of practice but I'm glad to be back

Not going to vote just yet myself
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Day 1

Post by the worst »

vote: Wisp

My excitement to be here is matched only by my sadness that Wisp has rolled mafia :<
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Day 1

Post by Zeniba »

Hi everyone! Just popping in, my preferred pronouns are she/her btw! :)
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Day 1

Post by Wisp »

the worst wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 9:22 pm vote: Wisp

My excitement to be here is matched only by my sadness that Wisp has rolled mafia :<
well its a good thing I'm not :), so be happy
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Day 1

Post by the worst »

Oh you're not mafia?? Thank goodness, had me scared for a hot minute.

Would love a vibe check but my reading of the atmospheric energy of the thread tells me that Sabrar, Wam and Morgan are town, and

vote: SuperJedi224
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Day 1

Post by moody7277 »

SuperJedi224 wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 8:27 pm Hello everyone, little out of practice but I'm glad to be back

Not going to vote just yet myself
So it's at least you and bessie not doing RVS then? More merriment for the rest of us.
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Day 1

Post by Wisp »

I dont do RVS either
Though at this time Im not going to attempt to move us forward
IDK how you guys usually push these games forward

one question though, is week day phases normal for you guys?

I am still too lazy to edit an avatar to fit this sites restrictions
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Day 1

Post by Wisp »

the worst wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 10:19 pm Oh you're not mafia?? Thank goodness, had me scared for a hot minute.

Would love a vibe check but my reading of the atmospheric energy of the thread tells me that Sabrar, Wam and Morgan are town, and

vote: SuperJedi224
how serious is this the second half of this post?
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Day 1

Post by moody7277 »

Wisp wrote:one question though, is week day phases normal for you guys?
Yes, except where explicitly called a turbo game.

Day 1 for the last dozen or so games I can recall has been: random voting, someone claiming they can get alignment info from these and confirmation posts (there used to be this one player...), setup speculation, Madge complains, Boomfrog (were he playing) does some sort of reaction trap gambit, some flimsy attempt at analysis, someone does something slightly scummy and a bandwagon forms, maybe a counterwagon forms, and we eventually have an elim.
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Day 1

Post by Wisp »

moody7277 wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 10:51 pm
Wisp wrote:one question though, is week day phases normal for you guys?
Yes, except where explicitly called a turbo game.

Day 1 for the last dozen or so games I can recall has been: random voting, someone claiming they can get alignment info from these and confirmation posts (there used to be this one player...), setup speculation, Madge complains, Boomfrog (were he playing) does some sort of reaction trap gambit, some flimsy attempt at analysis, someone does something slightly scummy and a bandwagon forms, maybe a counterwagon forms, and we eventually have an elim.
lmao, sounds like an average start on most sites
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Day 1

Post by SuperJedi224 »

I did play a pseudonightless game with week long day phases once on the old forum, but I think most of the games I've participated in elsewhere have generally been closer to this speed
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Re: Songs of Our Times Mafia Game Thread - Day 1

Post by Wisp »

3. madge
5. Wam

6. bessie
9. the worst

so i know for a fact i played with the bottom 3, I think I played with the top two?
if Im missing anyone, sorry

also whats with all the smash players on this site?