2730: "Code Lifespan"

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2730: "Code Lifespan"

Post by ratammer »

Title text: Surely (no one/everyone) will (recognize how flexible and useful this architecture is/spend a huge amount of effort painstakingly preserving and updating this garbage I wrote in 20 minutes)

*stumbles into both buckets simultaneously and has to walk around with her feet stuck in them like in a comedy sketch*
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Re: 2730: "Code Lifespan"

Post by Jplus »

I kind of recognize the two scenarios, but I feel that reality is (fortunately) less cynical and more balanced. If only the garbage code didn't get such a large share...
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Re: 2730: "Code Lifespan"

Post by Freddino18 »

Old Bruce wrote:Mighty Morphine Power Ranger
Jplus wrote:Was that a response to penis or to tree?
Diana's boytoy.
Hey @Sniper can I have a sig too?
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